Coping humor scale pdf

So youre never too old to learn to use humor to cope with stress. The associations of humorous coping styles, affective states, job demands and job control with the frequency of upper respiratory tract infection authors. Jun 30, 2015 coping styles scale css the coping styles scale css is designed for the age group of 18 to 50 years old adults. Coping strategies inventory please read these instructions carefully. Stereotypes and sense of humor 271 subscales to distinguish humor patterns across spanish and american samples, with the former using coping humor and the latter producing more humor. Psychometric properties of the briefcope for the evaluation. High and low sense of humor groups were determined by selecting participants with selfreported sense of humor at one standard deviation above and below the overall mean on the sense of humor scale.

Assessment of perceived levels of stress and coping. The present study investigated the proposal that increased laughter can serve to moderate the affective impact of negative life events. Scales are computed as follows with no reversals of coding. A sense of humor is an important psychological trait, because it is relevant to how well people can cope with stress and difficulities, and it plays an important role in success in social interaction, including romantic attraction a sense of humor is an attractive trait. The coping with humor scale lefcourt and martin 1986 was used to measure individual dierences in the use of humor as a coping strategy. Selfenhancing humor is an optimistic, coping humor, characterized by the ability to laugh at yourself or at the absurdity of a situation and feel better as a result. Efficacy and feasibility of a humor training for people. There is no such thing as an overall score on this measure, and i recommend no particular way of generating a dominant coping style for a give person. If you find a friend who helps you to find the humor in stressful situations, or even just laugh at other things, hold onto them and value this quality. This study examined the utility of the coping humor scale as well as measures of humor appreciation and humor creativity in 96 college students. The development of a humor styles questionnaire for younger.

The situational humor response questionnaire shrq and the coping humor scale chs are selfreport measures of different aspects of the sense of humor that were developed in the context of an investigation of the stressmoderating effects of humor. Current levels of positive and negative affect were also obtained in the morning and evening. Each item is answered on a 5point likert rating scale to show the extent to which the item is true for them. The use of humor as a coping mechanism to moderate the impact of stressful events on mood states and to improve the ability to relax have been documented and analyzed in college students10. This personality trait affects the processing and recall of humorous material. The coping scale for adults csa has been developed as an instrument to be used by teachers, administrators, parents, and adults in general to assist them to develop their coping resources.

Be sure to return the favor whenever possible, too. I make comments that reflect humor about the issue. Over your career you have devoted considerable energy to measuring a variety of individual differences in humor and laughter. American journal of psychological research volume 6, number 1 submitted. Humour scale appraised the exam as more of a positive challenge than did. Humor scale mshs to fill the need of a measure in humor research that allows the study of.

The item comes from the coping humor scale developed by martin and lefcourt 1983. Svebaks 1974 sense of humour questionnaire containing three scales for each of his dimensions of the sense of humour and lefcourt and martins 1986 situational humor response questionnaire and coping humor scale served as measures of humour, while plutschiks 1981 scale for the. Humor response questionnaire shrq and coping humor scale chs. Selfreport measures of sense of humor coping humor scale. Here are some things you quickly realize when your coping mechanism is a humorlaughing hybrid. This 7item selfreport scale assesses the extent to which individuals use humor as a coping strategy for dealing with stressful life circumstances. In order to assess the extent to which the bereaved persons were experiencing humor, laughter and happiness in their daily lives we developed a five item scale. Using laughter as a coping mechanism verywell mind. Sep 29, 2014 popular measuring systems include martins situational humor response questionnaire shrq, which focuses on human mirth in daily life, and the coping humor scale chs, which deals more with humor being used as a coping measure for stress. Several scales have been designed in order to measure coping strategies e.

Coping humor in early adolescence coping humor in early adolescence 20020726 00. Respondents rate the degree to which each statement describes them on a scale from 1 strongly disagree to 4 strongly agree. Approach coping 1, 2, 7, 12, 14, 17, 20, 24, 25 avoidance coping 3, 6, 8, 16, 18, 19, 26, 28 altering consciousness 4, 11, 22, 27 seeking support 5, 10, 15, 21, 23 item 9 did not load on to any of the four types of coping and so was excluded. It consists of 7 items, each of which is a selfdescriptive statement about the use of humor in. The most widely used measures will be discussed here see ruch, 1998b, for a complete listing of humor measures. According to the data analysis, results supported the hypothesis for both groups. Pdf the situational humor response questionnaire shrq and. The scale was translated into german and modified as a statesensitive questionnaire asking about coping humor in the past 2 weeks and includes seven items with a fourpoint likert scale ranging from one to four.

Whether youre 25, 50, or 75 years old, you can learn to lighten up. Designed originally as a coping disposition inventory. Childrens coping humor strategy survey, fuhr 2002 found three factors emerging, including using humor to cope, making fun of others and humor to boost the mood. A validity and reliability study of the coping selfefficacy. Use of humor as a coping mechanism, psychological adjustment. Defenses from dsmiv defensive functioning scale defense mechanisms or coping styles are automatic psychological processes that protect the individual against anxiety and from the awareness of internal or external dangers or stressors. Lefcourt university af waterloo, ontario, canada kluwer academic plenum publishers new york.

Stereotypes and sense of humor 269 surprising, given that sense of humor seems to consist of a relatively small number of. Abstract this study explored relationships between sense of humor, stress, and coping strategies. Lasab311 lasad311 scale scores pdf availability of information per wave 1. People often react in different ways when they are faced with a difficult, challenging, or stressful issue in life. Humor is important for human emotion, socialisation, emotion, and coping. I can usually find something to laugh or joke about even in trying situations. In positive psychology, humor is studied in a variety of functions, particularly as a coping mechanism and as a character strength in the broadenandbuild. The study used a single item to evaluate the extent to which the entrepreneur uses humor to cope with pressure. Scores on the multidimensional sense of humor scale mshs are shown.

This paper reports on the validity and utility of this instrument. This paper reports an investigation on the relationship between sense of humour and coping styles. The different dimensions of the mshs have also shown links to personality characteristics among. The scale was translated into german and modified as a statesensitive questionnaire asking about coping humor in the past 2 weeks and includes seven items with a fourpoint likertscale ranging from one to four. Version ii a 60item selfreport inventory composed of 15 scales adding a humor scale and increasing the alcohol and drug use scale to 4 items. There was no significant relationship between stress levels and the coping mechanism of positive reframing, acceptance, humor, and religion. From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia humor is defined as the tendency of particular cognitive responses to provoke laughter, physical reaction, and provide amusement. This is consistent with the freudian notion of humor as a healthy defense mechanism. Most respondents reported a moderate level of stress and the common coping strategies identified were active coping, planning, and selfdistraction. I have never done that in my own use of the scales. Please read each statement carefully, and indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with it. Mar 20, 2019 the coping humor scale chs assesses the participants ability to use humor to cope with difficult life events.

It consists of 7 items, each of which is a selfdescriptive statement about the use of humor in coping with life stress. The coping humor scale was developed specifically to assess the degree to which subjects report using humor to cope with stressful life situations. Litman center for research in behavioral medicine and health psychology, department of psychology. Humor, coping with stress, selfconcept, and psychological wellbeing. Avoidance coping 3, 6, 8, 16, 18, 19, 26, 28 altering consciousness 4, 11, 22, 27 seeking support 5, 10, 15, 21, 23 item 9 did not load on to any of the four types of coping and so was excluded. Jul 26, 2002 coping humor in early adolescence coping humor in early adolescence 20020726 00. If the inline pdf is not rendering correctly, you can download the pdf file here. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the cse scale revealed three factors. I get so exhausted with the issue i just accept things the way they are. Even though you may be fine with your coping mechanism doesnt mean everyone else is. The coping with anxiety workbook contains assessments and guided selfexploration activities that can be used with a variety of populations to help participants cope more effectively with the various forms of anxiety. Religiousness, religious fundamentalism, and quest as. Humor, stress, and coping strategies semantic scholar. The two hlh scales are conceptually unique, as determined by a principle components factor analysis, but highly correlated r0.

Consistent with our predictions, individuals with high scores on the coping. Humorous coping scales and their fit to a stress and coping framework. Martin university of western ontario london, ontario. It has been my experience that humor is often a very effective way of coping with.

Coping strategies scale information description this 23item questionnaire originally adapted from the processes of change questionnaire, prochaska et al. Coping by competitive athletes with performance stress. Pdf the situational humor response questionnaire shrq. One of the most popular is the cope coping orientation to problems experienced inventory carver et al. The coping humor scale was developed specifically to assess the degree to which subjects report using humor to cope with. In addition, sense of humorisoften connectedto higher levels of selfesteem. Humor used as a positive coping method may have useful benefits to emotional and mental health wellbeing.

The coping humor scale is a selfreport scale that assesses the degree to. This measure was selected because it was specifically designed to assess the degree to which individuals maintain a humourous outlook when confronted with potentially stressful situations. Pdf humorous coping scales and their fit to a stress and. In studies using the coping humor scale chs andor the situational humor. May 31, 2019 talking to friends and finding social support when stressed is a triedandtrue coping strategy. Participants completed the multidimensional sense of humor scale mshs and. Some of your earliest work, for example, developed both the coping humor scale chs and the situational humor. Please read each statement carefully, and indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree wit.

The css is a selfreport measure and consists of 22 items. Current levels of positive and negative affect were also obtained in the morning and evening of each. Humor as a way of coping and enhancing relationships one conceptualization that seems particularly germane to positive psychology is the view of humor as a way of coping with stress. Below is a list of statements describing different ways in which humor might be experienced. In addition, using the child version of the multidimensional sense of humor scale dowling and fain 1999, goodenough and ford 2005 found that humor may be a useful coping tool. Each of the five items began with the timeframe of during the past week followed by 1 i have enjoyed the humor of others, 2 i had a good laugh, 3 i did something that made me feel happy, 4. The situational humor response questionnaire shrq and. Two exploratory scales humor and drugalcohol use had also been developed.

Aug 29, 2018 scale dependent variable coping humor. Coping with anxiety introduction coping with anxiety workbook. Undergraduate students n258 from introductory psychology courses completed a perceived stress scale, an everyday problems scale, a state anxiety inventory, a sense of humor scale, and a scale assessing their preferred coping strategies. Remember, a good sense of humor prevents hardening of the attitudes. Alternatively you can use carvers 14 types of coping classifications. Dimensionality and relationships with approach and avoidancemotives and positive and negative traits jordan a. Scales from the cope have been utilized in recent sport research e. Coping humor was not correlated with any personality facets. Bahria journal of professional psychology, july 20, vol.

The development of a humor styles questionnaire for. Social coping recognises that individuals are bedded within a social environment, which can be stressful, but also is the source of coping resources, such as seeking social support from others. Use the following scale and respond to each statement by placing a number in the blank space before each item. However, a slightly greater use of humor as a coping mechanism was reported by teachers. Coping humour, stress, and cognitive appraisals semantic scholar. The associations of humorous coping styles, affective. Coping humor scale chs international society for humor. To investigate this fit 81 items from seven currently available humorous coping scales have been subjected to a facet analysis, using the tool of a mapping. Humor positive psychology laughter the best medicine. One of the most popular is the cope coping orientation to problems ex. Coping with mental illness is a challenge that many of us will experience it at some point in our lives.

In addition to an overall sense of humor score, factor analysis of the mshs indicates four principal factors. Sense of humor when coping with life stress sciencedirect. People experience and express humor in many different ways. In addition, the subjects completed the ways of coping scale, which assesses a number of different coping strategies for handling potentially stressful events, including seeking social support, distancing oneself, confrontive coping, and so on. The situational humor response questionnaire shrq and the coping humor scale chs are selfreport measures of different aspects of the sense of humor that were developed in the context of an. Although laughing is universal, and even common in babies although we dont know exactly what they are laughing about, of course, there are jokes that require complex thought and reasoning cognitive abilities. Affiliative humor means cracking jokes, engaging in banter, and otherwise using humor to make others like us.

The chs consists of 7 items, each of which is a selfdescriptive statement about the use of humor in coping with life stress. Bahria journal of professional psychology, july 20, vol12. The coping humor scale chs is a selfreport measure of 7 items that measures the degree to which respondents make use of humor in coping with stress in their lives. In addition, although it focusses on humour in response. Lefcourts 1983 coping humor scale, a survey concerning the use of humor in coping with stressful school situations. High and low sense of humor groups were determined by. Bahria journal of professional psychology, july 20, vol12, 2, 423. In this view, a humorous perspective mitigates the negative consequences of adversity.

Like the importance scale, the individual items related to the experience of happiness were endorsed more than the items related to the experience of humor or laughter. Moreover, humor can be referred exclusively to a sympathetic, tolerant and benevolent form of amusement but not wit wickberg 1998. The need for humor nfh scale measures the tendency to produce and seek out humor. This study explored relationships between sense of humor, stress, and coping strategies. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Version i a 53item selfreport inventory, using a 4point frequency scale, composed of 4item scales, and a 1item alcohol and drug use scale. The findings showed that they were not only coping better with the stress in their lives.

This questionnaire invites you to respond to how frequently you cope. I have had many questions about combining scales into problem focused and emotion focused aggregates, or into an overall coping index. Pdf the situational humor response questionnaire shrq and the coping humor scale chs are selfreport measures of different aspects of the sense of. Coping schemas inventoryrevised, wong, reker, and peacock, 2006. Both cognitive and emotional elements are included in humor, thus, humor could be a state or a trait martin 2000. Psychological adjustment was measured using the beck depression inventory beck 1967, the interaction anxiousness scale leary 1983, the ucla loneliness scale russell et al. Pdf humorous coping scales and their fit to a stress and coping.